Jobs can be renamed “Positions,” “Seats,” or “Roles.”* You can create as many jobs as your organisation requires. To set this feature up, simply go to Global Settings > Features > Enable Jobs and Organisational Hierarchy.
*You might already have roles in your system; these are normally used for scheduling,, and we recommend renaming them ‘skills’ to reflect their use more accurately.
Skills (formerly roles)
This is how staff are selected for certain shifts; a skill comes with a requirement on the job the staff member will perform for that shift. Different skills can also be paid different hourly rates.
A staff member can only work a shift if assigned the same skill, and a duty manager shift can only be worked by a staff member who has been added to the Duty Manager skill.
Common alternatives: skills, group, type
A level is the access a staff member has to the site. This dictates what they can see and what they can’t on the site. Usually, the access levels mirror your internal levels of seniority within your workplace: staff, team leader, duty manager, venue manager, and chief executive.
Access Levels
Access levels are set up and managed under System > Levels & Permissions > Access Levels.
We provide default access levels but recommend that these be customised for your organisation to fit your terminology and hierarchy. Access levels are critical for managing permissions in the system, but they also allow for some additional features.
Each access level can have its own unique set of permissions assigned to it which might not share any similarities with other access levels (e.g. HR and Payroll teams might have completely different permissions). In general however, the levels have more access to the system as you go down the list.
You can copy, create afresh or remove any of the levels which are not in use by active accounts on the system. The View button allows you to see who is assigned to an access level.
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