This option allows a full week of shifts to be viewed and managed. There are several ways to view the shifts, and they provide different layouts and functions.
There are different “views” of the week page:
- All Shifts - This will list all of the shifts at a single venue for the given week, including unassigned, offered, and extra shifts.
- Home Staff/Assigned Staff - This will display each of the staff based on or assigned to the selected venue. Each staff member's shifts will be displayed per day. You can easily add shifts using the green plus icons. Change between the Home Staff/Assigned Staff options on the venue details page.
- Direct Reports Only -This setting allows managers to see only those who report directly to them. This is useful if a line manager only manages a small part of a large team and wishes to view only the staff they manage.
- Quick Edit -This is a different view of the 'Home Staff view' designed to work similarly to Excel. Simply type in the shift times, and they will be added. Alternatively, you can use the 'Quick Edit' view for assigned staff.
You can also choose the format in which the hours figure on the left of the screen (under the staff member’s name) is shown.
Whilst all the options are relatively similar, there are some key differences between each option. These include:
- Actual contracted hours - This is how many hours a staff member is currently expected to do under their contract. This option considers time entries that have happened and shifts that are planned to occur during the contract period.
- Planned paid hours - These are the paid hours for the shifts in that week.
- Planned scheduled hours (ignore breaks) - The scheduled hours to be in work that week. This option ignores breaks completely.
- Planned working hours - The planned working hours for the shifts in that week view. This option ignores any manipulations, including double time or minimum call time.
- Planned contracted hours - These are the planned contracted hours for that week. This option will ignore unpaid breaks and pay manipulation rules but considers contracted time manipulation rules where some shifts might be excluded from their contracted hours.
Adding Shifts to Events
If you manually add a shift using a page such as the ‘week view’, you can now choose the event that is to be assigned to that particular shift when adding it. This will be displayed in the Event drop-down box on the Add Shift popup.
You have the option to see a daily summary of events if this is configured in settings. To do this, go to the actions bar at the top right of this page. If you go to settings > events, you will then be able to see an event summary.
All Shifts view sorted by Shift Start Time:
Each shift on a given day will be shown and ordered by their start time. Unassigned, offered, and extra shifts are marked with an unknown face icon to further indicate that no one is yet working.
View by Skill Hierarchy
You can also view this page by skill. Simply change the Sort by option in the top right of the screen by Skill Hierarchy.
You can also assign different groups colours. Groups can also be called skills roles or whatever your company has chosen to refer to them. You can colour code each role or group individually or only set a colour for a staff member's default skill. The colour of each group is set automatically.
This page will then show each of the skills assigned to your venue and the shifts within them for each day. You can set which skills to display under the Skills tab within your Venue Settings.
You can also turn on/off the shift confirmation icon (if you are using shift confirmation/acceptance options).
To use: On the Manage Shift Week View, use the Actions menu item Settings > Always Show > Toggle Shift Confirmed Icon.
When in the hierarchy mode, you can use several tools. The first is to add a shift by typing the required times (9am to 5pm, for example) into the 'Add a Shift' box and clicking the green icon.
The second new feature is that when you hover over a shift, a cog icon will appear at the top right. Simply hover over this icon to get quick access to make changes to the shift:
- Editing the shift will bring up the details for that shift and allow you to edit all of them quickly. You can also just click on the shift times to show this popup.
- Transfer/assign shift will show you the send shift popup so you can choose a new staff member. You can also just click on the staff member’s name to show this popup.
- Copy / copy as unassigned will create a new shift with the same times and details but mark it as unassigned so you can then choose a new staff member to work.
Cancel shift / delete shift will remove the shift.
Quick Edit
The quick edit tab is effectively a spreadsheet view of all shifts in a venue. You can simply enter the times for a shift in the grey boxes, and StaffSavvy will understand the times and convert them into real shifts.
The staff member's default rota skill will be used as the shift skill, so ensure this is assigned beforehand. Once you enter the shift times, click on the next box or elsewhere on the page for the shift to be saved. If it turns green and the times are changed to 24 hour formats then the shift has been accepted.
If the shift turns orange, there is an issue, and you can hover over the box to see the details.
The shifts are instantly saved, so once the times are entered and accepted, then it is complete.
Examples of times accepted:
- "1pm to 4pm"
- "1:45pm to 1am"
- "13:00 to 18:00"
- "1pm - 2pm"
Viewing Only Home Staff
When you are transferring/assigning a shift, you can view just the home staff rather than all who could work. You can do this by pressing the letter icon (). Then, at the top of the page, it will allow you to switch to only home staff. Then, to view all staff again, you simply have to click the same button at the top.
Popup Information
Popup information on each shift now includes information such as;
- events
- cost codes
- linked shifts and more.
Shift Attendance Flags
You can now add or remove attendance flags on the Week View. This mirrors the existing functionality within the grid day view. To use in the top right corner of the popup is the flag icon. Click this icon and choose the appropriate attendance flag.
The shift week view automatically updates after changing the attendance flags for shifts.
Staff Shift Week Access
All staff can access a new view-only version of the week view, which allows them to see schedules easily but does not allow them to make changes or adjustments.
This permission option must be given to staff so they can view the weekly schedule. This permission also only allows staff to see the shifts scheduled for their own venue to ensure that only relevant information is provided to staff.
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