Ensuring that a staff member is correctly set up with all relevant paperwork and forms completed is normally a challenge for large, high-turnover workforces. Step Lists aim to make this easy and push the staff members to complete the steps themselves.
Step Lists are perfect for organisation-wide steps. You can use Role Requirements to add additional items that specific jobs require.
You can set the order the items need to be completed and require previous steps to be completed before continuing to the next group.
Creating the Steps
Steps can be added at any time. They will then only apply to staff who have not completed all the steps. It is possible to require all staff to complete that additional step using the option available via System > Staff Data and Processes > Manage Step Lists (on-boarding). Simply click on the step list you are interested in and go to Manage Steps, where you can then Add a Step in the Actions Bar.
When creating a step, you will be asked to confirm the requirements for each step (details on these are listed below). Some steps require further information, which will be displayed once you’ve chosen the type of step. For example, if you choose a step that requires a Document, a drop-down will appear where you can specify the document type.
Completion Gates are an option you can enable on some or all steps when editing. This means that the staff member will not be asked to continue unless they have completed that step and all previous steps.
This allows you to group the steps that need to be done together.
Once a step has been created, you can also edit it to access an additional step; you can enable limited or complete access to shifts once the step is completed. This allows you to put steps such as employee reference numbers or profile photos after the staff member has been granted access to take shifts.
Step Lists, which replace the single onboarding list, allow you to create multiple onboarding lists for different contract types. These lists will be expanded to include leaver processes, job role change processes, and more in a future update.
Types of Step Requirement
Employment Eligibility Proven
Adding this simple step will ensure the staff member has had all their documents checked and copies uploaded to the site.
Document Uploaded or Completed
This allows you to require any document or combination of documents to be provided above the normal Employment Eligibility proof. A common example is either the P45 or New Starter Form.
To require one of these documents, create a new Document Type (under System > Documents & Forms > Manage Document Types) that is called something like “P45 of New Starter Form”. In the description, you can inform your staff members about providing either their last P45 or downloading, completing and uploading the New Starter Form. You can provide a link to the form too. You do not need to see the original for the P45 or New Starter Form. Instead, you can allow staff to upload their own copies and simply require that they be checked.
Once the new document type is added, it will be listed under the document type drop-down menu within the steps.
Contract Signed
This requirement will ensure that staff assigned to a digital signature contract must review and sign their contract at this stage.
Field Set completed
This allows you to choose any of your field sets to ensure staff complete this information before they can be assigned shifts. Only fields marked required will be enforced. For example, you can require an essential onboarding step to add their national insurance number if that is required for HR purposes.
Employee Reference Provided
This step requires a staff member to have an employee number to be able to take shifts. This is a step that a manager must complete but is necessary for certain payroll options.
Resource Library item viewed/downloaded
This step can force staff to view or download a page, document or link within the Resource Library. This is perfect for directing staff toward policy documents or additional information.
Welfare and Performance Form
You can also add a performance welfare as part of the onboarding process. This can be a useful way to check in with staff and track their progress in case you need to monitor any changes.
Profile Photo Uploaded
This step will require staff to upload a profile photo to their account. We’ve added the ability for staff to rotate their photos when uploading and cropping them. This should resolve issues where the photo is reporting an incorrect orientation.
View Employee Step List (On-Boarding) Status
An employee’s onboarding progress is shown on Staff > Staff Settings > Manage Staff. It is displayed as a traffic light icon to the right of their name under the ‘Manage’ option.
[Red] In Progress and no access to shifts
[Yellow] In Progress but has access to one or more shifts
[Green] Complete
[Off] Exempt
Clicking on the icon will display a full breakdown of the employee’s status.
The popup displayed all of the steps, which ones the employee has completed and which are in progress. Steps they do not yet need to complete will be marked as grey.
Avoiding / Completing Steps List
If you have an existing employee who does not need to complete certain steps, you can “exempt” them from needing to complete them.
Use the Manage Staff page to search for the employee. Click on the traffic light to the right of their name under ‘Manage’. This will show you their onboarding status. At the bottom is an option to mark them as exempt. This will disable the onboarding steps for this employee.
You can also use this option to mark the on-boarding steps as complete. There is little difference between being exempt or marking their steps as complete. It can be used to separate existing employees and those who have completed all steps that apply to them.
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