Staff have full access to all documents that are uploaded by them or you to their account. These also include their Employment Eligibility documents.
You can also request or allow staff to upload or digitally complete their documents. This is often connected to the onboarding process, skill requirements or triggers.
Document Types
StaffSavvy manages the document store using Document Types. A document type specifies what the document is and rules around who can upload it, delete it and if it needs to be checked by a manager.
You can manage the document types under System > Documents & Forms > Manage Document Types.
There are currently three types of documents: a copy of a Document, a Signature Page appended to a Library Item, and a Digitally Completed Document. Folders can now be viewed under their document type, allowing quick sorting of documents within the document store. You can view all document types or be more specific and view specific types of performance and welfare forms.
Upload Document Type
Upload document type means staff must upload a copy of the document or an image of the completed document. It’s perfect for complex documents or copies of licences etc.
Append Signature Document Type
This allows you to display a library document and request a signature below the document to confirm the staff member has read and understood the document shown.
Digitally Completed Type
Digitally Completed means that staff are presented with a template of text and then are allowed to provide text in certain areas within the template. They then digitally sign the document to confirm their agreement and that the content is correct.
When using this document type, you need to provide the text for the document. You provide this within the ‘Template’ section when creating a new document. You can use a series of mail-merge fields to include information about the employee completing the document automatically.
There are four types of form fields available; single line (e.g. a small amount of text), text-block (a large, multi-paragraph amount of text), checkbox (e.g. check to confirm) or radio buttons (e.g. choose one from this list).
Radio buttons are slightly more complex to set up than the other fields. To allow them to work correctly, we need to know which radio buttons are part of the same group. This is the # within the [field-radiobutton-#] so add [field-radiobutton-1] multiple times to have multiple options that you must choose between. If you need another group of radio buttons, use [field-radiobutton-2]. You can have up to 100 groups of radio buttons.
You can also decide where to place their visual signature on the template with a mail-merge field.
Finally, you can set the declaration text. This is the text that the staff member is shown and asked to confirm as they sign the document.
Once completed, the digitally signed document is available to view online or download as a branded PDF.
Document Permissions
You have detailed permission controls per document type so that different documents can be accessed by different levels/line managers within the system. This prevents access to private information if required.
When creating a new document, you can configure different rules for viewing, uploading, and verifying documents. This is under Data Access Management.
Managers will need general access to view a staff member’s documents and to either view or upload them in addition to the permissions on the document type.
For verification, the managers will need to have generic permission to verify documents in addition to any requirements on the document type.
Note: there is now a new permission for verifying employment eligibility documents. This will apply to all system created document types.
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