Shift assets allow you to record when staff take particular items for use during a shift. The system can record items being checked out and back in. This does require staff to be clocked in.
Creating an Asset
This option is enabled under the Global Settings > Features tab. You will then get the option to add Assets under System > Staff Data & Processes > Manage Shift Assets. You then have the option to create a new asset.
Each asset type can have a title and the number of items you want to track. This will prevent too many from being lent out and record how many you have remaining at any one time. You can also record the asset reference (e.g. a number or code) to identify the actual unit. These references do not need to be entered, and we’ll allow staff to choose common references and type in new references when they check out an item.
You can concurrently assign multiple assets of the same type to a staff member. This allows them to hold multiple items, whereas you could only be assigned one of each type before.
Long Term Assets
The first thing you must specify when creating an Asset is the Asset Type. This can be either a short-term or a long-term asset, and both are dealt with differently within the system.
A long-term asset might be an item that a staff member requires as part of their job and will be in possession of for the entirety of their tenure in the position. This might be a desktop computer, headphones or a laptop. This is particularly useful if you have a remote company, as so many essential assets will not be based in an office but wherever the staff member is based, so keeping a record of this is a good way to keep track of assets.
To view long-term assets, go to a staff member profile and click 'Assets' under the actions bar. Here, you can view assets currently assigned to a staff member, assign new assets or return an asset on behalf of the staff member.
Short Term Assets
Short-term assets are more regularly used and so will be frequently checked in and out, and many staff members might be using them in a short period of time.
Utilising Assets
Once your assets are set up, you can then log assets in and out. Reach this page under Shifts > Asset Check In/Out.
Above, you can see the shift assets listed out, and every clocked in staff member is shown. Managers can click the ‘Out’ button to register that a staff member has taken an item for the shift.
The system actively tracks who has which items for which period and can later provide reports on who had items during specific periods.
To return an item, the Back in tab lists who has which items and a quick click of the In button will return it:
You can add as many shift assets as you desire and manage how many of each asset you have available.
Asset Return Questions
From the Manage Assets page (under System > Configuration), you can use the Add/Edit Question option to create check-in questions for each asset.
The questions must be multiple choice, but you can have as many questions as you need.
With the answers to the questions, you can choose if a particular answer should raise an alarm. The alarm option allows the system only to send notifications when an asset is returned, and certain answers are provided.
To set up notifications on asset returns, use a Trigger and choose the asset return event from the drop-down.
Whenever an asset is returned, the system will ask these questions about the asset so that the information can be collected.
Asset Log Reports
From the Manage Assets page, you can view an asset log. This report will display all asset movements during a timeframe.
You can filter the asset logs by an asset and only show you the entries where an alarm was raised by the answers provided on the item's return.
You can also access the same report from a staff member's profile; this allows you to see all assets they have checked in and out over a date range.
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