Active Staff
Here you can review the active staff on shift. It will show who has clocked in for their shift, if they were late, if they’re working overtime, and if the shift was unauthorised. You can also alter the staff member’s start time, pay element, and role if necessary.
You can also clock out a staff member from their shift.
Daily Review
The daily review is designed to help managers approve the hours worked while it’s still fresh. It’s designed to work on your mobile device and can be accessed throughout the day to approve hours worked as the shifts are completed. It can also be used just at the end of the day or in the following days.
The review page will display all shifts that have not been approved regardless of when they happened. The page will split these into days so you can approve each day as needed.
Within a day, the page will split the shifts into different blocks depending on how much review is suggested.
- Normal Time Entries - These time entries were all worked to the shift plan or less so there is no negative impact on your budget. You can approve this all in one go or click on view and edit to check each one.
- Additional Hours - These time entries are longer than the planned shift and you can either approve them or edit them down to the correct length.
- Unexpected Time Entries - These are time entries that did not appear on the plan. They can be time entries that were clocked in via PIN or remotely if these options are used.
- Active Staff - Any staff members still clocked in will be displayed with an option to clock out now or to clock out and reset their times to the shift plan.
- Confirm Non-attendance - Any staff who do not clock in for a planned shift will also be displayed with the option to add a time entry for them or to provide a non-attendance reason. Confirm Lateness - Any staff who has been automatically flagged as late will be shown here. You can simply confirm or reject each of the lateness flags. Rejecting a flag will mark them as attended on time but will not change their clock in time.
Daily Schedule
This page provides you with information about the upcoming shift - who is working, their team, any tasks, notes, and the shift times. Using the Actions menu, you can select another shift or a previous shift.
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