Paiyroll is an AI-powered payroll software that can now be used within StaffSavvy as part of your company's payroll options. To add Paiyroll to your StaffSavvy system, follow the simple guide below.
To set up Paiyroll within your company, you will need a system manager to set up the permissions and invite the Paiyroll member into the system. It is then the Paiyroll account's job to log in and get the remote report URL and keys. The first part of this article will go through the manager's role in the process, with the second part detailing the Paiyroll account's necessary steps.
Turning on Paiyroll
Step 1
Enable the Paiyroll Payroll option in Global Settings
The first step is to tell the system you are using Paiyroll. Go to System > Configuration > Global Settings. Then proceed to the Payroll tab.
Scroll down the list of payroll providers and find Paiyroll. Enable this option and click save.
This will then add custom Paiyroll options to your Custom Reports and Staff Data Fields.
Step 2
Enable the Paiyroll Staff Data Fields
By default, we do not collect any data we do not explicitly need. Paiyroll requires the staff member's legal gender to report to HMRC. We have a pre-build data field set for you to use for Paiyroll, and all you need to do is to turn it on.
Go to System > Staff Data & Processes > Data Sets & Fields.
Scroll down and find the "Paiyroll Details" data field. Turn this on. You can also now edit the visibility settings for this field set.
Setting up permissions for Paiyroll
Step 1
Create an access level
The next step is to create a new API access level. First, go to System > Levels & Permissions > Access Levels to do this. Then, you will see a green plus button under the actions menu of the access levels page. Click to create a level.
When creating an access level, each one can have its own unique set of permissions assigned to it, which might not be similar to another access level. So, every setting you use for the API access level is specific to that level.
The first step is creating a title, such as API for Paiyroll. Then, select the account type. For Paiyroll, you must select the option 'API Integration Account (cannot log into normal interface; for connecting to external systems only. Ensure permissions also allow access to API)'. This allows you to connect with Paiyroll but this account cannot login to your system through the normal site.
Then, complete the rest of the details for your access level.
If you want your access level to be easily recognisable, you can also add an icon that will appear next to the title under the list of access levels.
Step 2
Assign permissions
Once you have created your access level, you should see the option to set permissions. Certain access level permissions are required for Paiyroll to be configured.
You will then need to assign the following permissions to this Access Level. These can be found under 'Set Permissions'. There are a lot of options in here so we'll go by section.
The API access level will require the following permissions from the Staff Member Management options:
- Venues: Automatic access to all venues
- View Additional Staff Member Details
- View Pay
And under Miscellaneous, select:
- Custom Report Management
- Custom Reports: Grant Remote API Access
In addition to these permissions, a list of specific API permissions is required. There are different types of API permissions which can allow more control, including granting API Actions Access and API Write Access. However, only the API Read Access permissions are required for this set-up and account. You need to allow read access to the following permissions as well as giving general access:
- API Read Access: Tasks
- API Read Access: Staff Member Accounts
- API Read Access: Skills
- API Read Access: Shifts
- API Read Access: Venues
- API Read Access: Absences
- API Read Access: Time Entries
- API: General Access
Step 3
Give permission to view data
Once the permissions have been added, you can update your API access level to give the permission to view the list in the following Data Sets and Fields.
- Bank Account Details
- Date of Birth
- National Insurance
- Base Address
- Email Address
These are under System > Staff Data & Processes > Data Sets and Fields. Then, you must go to 'Edit the set details' of each data field and add API (The access level you have just created) to the permission-to-view list.
You will need these data fields to be accessible for the Paiyroll integration to work. If the option 'Access to anyone with permission to view private employee details' has been selected for this data field, this will also cover the API level.
Step 4
Invite staff
Then, you must create a new staff account (this will be the account strictly used for Paiyroll) via the 'Invite staff' page. To invite staff, go to Staff > Staff Settings > Invite Staff.
You will then need to input the following information under each section.
Under the Instant Access field, you can decide how soon the new account should have access to the StaffSavvy system.
Then, under the Invitee Access Level, select the access level that you have just created; for example, if you title it 'API for Paiyroll, ' that should come up here for you to select.
Now choose the account's home venue. This must be the one for which the Paiyroll account will manage the payroll.
Then, under the Invitee 1 field, enter the following account email address in the email address box:
In the first name field, enter Paiyroll, and add your organisation name under the last name box. This will be your direct link to the Paiyroll system.
Then click the 'Invite Staff' button.
This is the last step you need to complete internally to set up Paiyroll. The Paiyroll account will complete the setup from here.
Paiyroll account set up
Once you have completed the above steps, you can ask our support team to forward the login details to Paiyroll.
This part of the guide only applies to those who have been invited to join StaffSavvy for payroll purposes. They will have API access with all the permissions detailed above. Keeping these permissions separate to just this level ensures security.
It is important to note that this permission has security and privacy considerations. Once given, any person with this access can grant remote access to all custom reports, which allows the remote download of all data in the system.
Step 1
Enable remote API access
Once you have confirmed that the correct personnel have access to this, the first step is for the payroll account to enable API access remotely. To do this, go to Reports > Manage Custom Reports.
There should be both the Paiyroll Salaries Report and the Paiyroll Workers Report.
Under the More button, click on the Remote API Access option for both reports. This option will only appear when the Custom Reports: Grant Remote API Access permission has been given under the API access level.
This will lead to a page where remote API access can be given. Under the confirmation button, the payroll account must take full responsibility for the remote access credentials and ensure they are kept secure. They must add a list of IPs under the IP Allowed List for whoever is to have remote access or leave it blank to have no restrictions.
Step 2
Sharing Access
Once API access has been created, thus giving remote access, there will be an access URL you are able to copy and send to the Paiyroll team. This will be under View Details section when you are viewing the Manage Report Remote Access page.
That was your overview of setting up Paiyroll within the StaffSavvy system and granting access to it. We again recommend that you understand the security and privacy considerations before implementing this. If you have any other questions, get in touch with the support team.
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