Enabling Employee Reference Number
In this article we will explore how to enable and add employee reference numbers. We will then go over how to view and update any details.
How to Enable Your Employee Reference Numbers
In this section, we will go over how to add or change your employee number/reference. First, we have to go into global settings to enable reference numbers.
Go to System > Configuration > Global Settings.
There are two ways to enable Employee Reference Numbers. The first is via payroll.
Option 1 - Enable under Employee Reference under Payroll settings
To enable it via payroll, go to the 'Payroll tab' under Payroll Services in your global settings. Then ensure you have chosen the 'enable' option under your chosen payroll format, i.e. Sage, Pegasus, StaffSavvy Simple One Format. Once this is enabled, scroll to the bottom and click save.
Once this is saved, refresh the page. There should now be an employee number section under the Manage Staff page.
Option 2 - Create your own Employee Reference
Alternatively, if you want to create your own reference number that is not already included in your payroll format, i.e. if your export format doesn't include an employee reference. This second option might work for you. First, go to System > Configuration > Global Settings > Configuration > Staff & Contracts.
You then want to go down to Employee Numbers and choose to enable 'Optional Account Number/Reference'.
Once enabled, you can include a title for this reference under the label option.
(You also have the option to limit who can set or edit this number, i.e. only managers, or allow a staff member first to set this information.)
Step 2
How to View and Update Details
Once this is saved, we can view the numbers the system has imported via export format. To do this, go to Staff > Staff Settings > Manage Staff, and you will see all the export formats you have enabled at the top. Then, under each employee, there should be a number. This is your employee reference number.
Now, you may see that some staff do not have an Employee Reference, to add one click the box under the row employee reference and type the number in. Then, scroll to the bottom and click save.
Step 3
Using Manage Staff to See Those without a Number
If you want to see all staff members who currently do not have a reference number assigned, this can also be done under Staff > Staff Settings > Manage Staff. Under 'Needing Attention' click 'Missing Employee Reference' and this will bring those staff members to the top.
This then makes it easier to go in and assign reference numbers to all staff members currently without.
That was your How-To Guide to Add and Edit employee reference numbers. If you are needing any additional support please get in touch.
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