StaffSavvy has three options for TOIL reporting: automatic, manual and a combination of both.
Automatic is the most common and is also used to allow hours to be rolled between months, even if staff are not permitted to take a paid day off and are simply assigned fewer shifts.
TOIL is set up under each contract, and you can choose how many hours can be rolled and the chunks of time that can be rolled in size, too. This can be edited under ‘Manage contracts’.
Once configured, the system will automatically calculate hours owned based on rolling hours. This will be shown within the staff member’s account and used whenever assigning hours.
For the manual options, staff can make TOIL requests from their profile pages, which will be displayed for managers to approve on the TOIL Report.
The system will automatically roll hours as per your settings forever. This can cause a problem if TOIL is added to an existing account, as you often want to start TOIL reporting on a specific date. You might also want to reset TOIL at the start of each company year.
Manual TOIL
In both cases, you can use the 'Add Manual TOIL Adjustments' option available under the Actions menu under Pay > Contracts > Contracted Hours Report, then click on the contract type you wish to use. Then click' View Breakdown' for the contract and staff member you want to review. You can also find this page via a staff member's profile by viewing their report under the contracts tab.
From here, you can then make changes to the TOIL hours. You can either add/subtract hours or tell the system to start the hours afresh in the next period. This means the staff member will show 0 rolled hours in the next period.
Start Times
When requesting TOIL, you can also input a start time (by the hour). You need to ensure manual TOIL requests are set up to enable this. This can be done by going to ‘manage contracts’.
Click the edit icon for the contract you are using TOIL with. Then go to the TOIL tab and choose ‘manual requests only’ when selecting the TOIL mode. This will mean that TOIL requests will need to be manually input by staff and allow them to choose specific time slots/days.
Claiming against TOIL hours
If you have hours approved in your account, you should claim any time off against those hours. This ensures that your claims are recorded against hours earned. Having a time limit on when you can use the hours is particularly important.
If you don't make claims against the hours in your account, you can be in a situation where the hours owed to you have expired, but the hours you have taken back are still valid and show your total as negative hours.
To claim against your TOIL balance, go to your TOIL report under your profile and use the actions menu at the top. Reports > TOIL Request Report/Manual TOIL Report, on the report, simply use the Claim Against button. Or alternatively, you can also add a claim against a TOIL balance from your profile page. Go to the Holiday & TOIL tab and click 'Add new TOIL Request'. In the box, you will see an option to claim hours back and to choose which of your balances to claim against:
Once you claim against hours, you will see a summary box at the top showing how much time you can claim back. You can only claim back up to the total hours in your original request. So, if you requested 10 hours of TOIL, you can put multiple claims in for those hours until none are left.
Note: If you need to claim more hours than are available under a single entry, then you will need to make multiple claims for the same day. This will ensure your TOIL balances are correctly recorded and accounted for.
Your TOIL request will go through the usual approval process, but you will now receive a clearer summary of your TOIL balance and your usage:
Manager Options
A manager has additional options within the Manual TOIL Report. These options allow the manager to add additional entries to a claim even if it will reduce the total below zero.
They can also delete entries, edit them and connect/disconnect.
The connect/disconnect options allow entries to be assigned to each other so they display in the groups shown on the report.
For example, in the image below, the 03/09/2020 entry is not connected to Tiger Day on 08/08/2020. A manager can assign that claim against the Tiger Day balance using the 'Connect' option.
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