StaffSavvy has multiple ways to divide "standard" hours into hours that are not part of a contract and salaried hours.
If you know in advance which shifts will be paid as additional hours, you can use the Overtime Skill/Pay Element.
If you want all hours up to the staff member's expected hours reported as one pay element and any hours above their expected hours paid as overtime, then you'll need to use the Contracted Hours Override.
If you want the system to report any additional time entries worked once they've reached their contracted hours then you can use a Contract Manipulation Rule.
Overtime Skill/Pay Element
This is the simplest option: Go to Pay > Pay Settings and create a new Pay Element for your overtime hours to be reported. If you have different overtime rates, then this will need to be reflected in your overtime pay elements.
Once created, add a new Overtime Skill(s) for the shifts to be assigned to. This allows managers to choose the skill as Overtime in advance. Choose the overtime pay element under the pay tab for that overtime skill. If different people have different overtime rates, simply choose the most common and then override the pay element on the overtime skill for the individuals who receive different rates.
Contracted Hours Override
This option uses the staff member's contract. It's only suitable for staff who do not receive TOIL or flexitime. It will automatically change the pay element for Expected Minimum Hours (as defined on their contract) to a fixed pay element. It will split time entries into two parts if their hours are used up mid-shift.
To set up, you need to ensure that the pay elements for the staff members are set to be their overtime rate (the higher rate). This might be on the skill, or you might need to customise the pay elements on their skills.
Once complete, go to their contract and use the Shifts & Time Entries tab. Go to the Override Pay Element section and choose the pay element to which you want to assign their contracted hours.
This will tell the system to set their contracted hours as this pay element each period.
Note: This is performed when the wage sheet is produced, so you can only report on their actual costs. It is, however, very accurate and takes into account unpaid breaks and all adjustments.
Contract Manipulation Rule
This final option allows you to change the pay element on any whole-time entry based on a rule. There are some limitations; it cannot be undone automatically (once changed, it will stay changed) and can only be performed on the whole time entry.
To create the rule, go to the Manipulation Rules page and add a new rule. Choose the options as to when the rule should be used. One of the options is working X hours over their contracted expected minimum hours. So you can say 5 hours over their contracted hours, and then this rule would take effect.
Within the manipulations section, you can change the pay element and select the pay element you want it to be changed to. Then, choose which contracts this rule applies to and click save.
Remember, it might take the system a few minutes to update all the time entries with the rule, and any wage sheets will need to be undone and recreated.
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