Cases are a new feature of StaffSavvy. They can store the history of a case, logging what happened, when it happened and who was involved. Cases are advantageous as they can be managed by multiple staff members pertinent to the case who can have a dialogue and upload case-relevant documents.
Notably, cases can also be hidden from the subject involved, making this perfect for any ongoing disciplinary cases you might need to investigate. Go to System > Staff Data and Processes > Manage Case Types to create a case type.
You can then click to add a new case type.
Case Types
A case type is a template that might be used for specific situations requiring the same protocols and privacy restrictions. For example, all disciplinaries might need the case not to be able to view their case, and it might only be viewed by the managers involved.
You will then be able to see your case type settings. You can first set whether or not the subject of a case can view their case. This can be useful for more sensitive disciplinary cases.
You can then set permissions for cases. You can give ‘General access’ to cases and ‘management’ of cases to everyone with permission to view them. Alternatively, you can specify that only certain people, such as direct line managers, can have this permission.
You can also determine whether they have permission to edit or add to a case or can view or change the case status. You can also be specific about it only being editable by the subject of the case manager.
Creating a Case type
Cases are where you will primarily manage your ongoing investigations. To create a new case, go to My Account > My Cases and click ‘Create a New Case’.
In settings, you can set your case type, which will automatically set permissions.
You can specify the event or the staff member's name in the title and describe what happened. This might include details necessary to the case, including staff members involved, location, time, and assets involved.
Documents & Notes
You can view additional case information once you have set up your case study. You can add documents or notes throughout your case as more information is added.
Notes might be information about the case or short updates instead of evidence. Documents are used to provide supporting evidence for a case. This information is stored and available to view while the case remains active.
Assigned Staff
Then, you have the option to add case subjects. The system will only notify them if they have been given permissions that require them to remain informed. You can have multiple case subjects in one case.
Additionally, you can add staff members who are not involved in the case as ‘subjects’ to the case. You can specify whether they will have access to view the case here as well. This feature is helpful if you want to add staff members as ‘witnesses’ but don’t want them to be able to view sensitive case information. Whereas, as a case admin, you would like to be able to see documents. You can also add the case reporter. Having these roles can help keep all members of staff involved with the case in the loop up to date with key information. You can also remove people from the case if they are no longer relevant.
Case Status
You can set the status here to whether it is an ‘open and confirmed’ case, which will be the default or a speculative case that has been opened but will need the manager's approval to get final approval.
You can also update the case status as the case continues. You have multiple status options, including in review and progress, and when it is closed, you can even specify whether the case was answered. Alternatively, if there has been a delay with information for the case, you can put the case on hold. You can choose to hide or view archived cases as well.
Log & Archive
You can also view the case history and a log of recent changes. Whenever any changes have been made to a case or any documents added, these will be updated and stored. The last viewed case will come up as the most ‘recent’. When you are finished, you can archive a case so that if you need it for historical records, you still have it stored in the system and can be retrieved until it has been destroyed.
Case Reports
You can view a report per staff member of the cases that they were involved in between two dates . This will streamline the investigation process of a staff member’s case history log. You can filter this further by case type if you are only interested in investigating a certain type of case. You can find this under a staff member’s profile and in the actions menu under Reports, then choose Case Reports and set a time frame you want to look back through.
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