Performance and Welfare Forms
This feature allows multi-step forms to be completed by multiple parties, such as HR, line managers, and staff members.
The forms are perfect for reviews, one-two-ones, change requests, investigations, and more. They form the cornerstone of our new performance and welfare feature and will be expanded with Goals, 360 Reviews, and review scheduling tools in the next year.
To create your first new performance and welfare form, simply go to System > Documents & Forms > Manage Performance and Welfare Forms. Or just search in the new menu search box for Performance.
Use the 'Create new' button to start your new form.
Here, you’ll be asked to name the form and provide introduction instructions or an explanation of the process for staff who are completing it.
You can then choose the access levels that can both assign new forms to be completed and then view the completed form. Finally, choose where this form should be displayed; under the Personal Records tab on a profile or within My Documents. The access permissions apply wherever the form is displayed.
The forms use phases to separate out each step of completing the form. Each phase can be completed by a different person; e.g., phase 1 is completed by the staff member, phase 2 is completed by a line manager, and Phase 3 is completed by a member of another skill/role.
This is just an example; you can have as many phases as you like, with different people completing each phase.
When you first create a form, the system will set up the initial phase for you. At the top of the editing form questions page, you have access to Manage Phases.
On the manage phases page, you have access to Add additional phases and manage any you have there already. Every form needs at least one phase.
Below are the phases for the example above; staff member first, then line managers and finally the HR team sign off.
You can use the blue order arrows on the left to arrange the phases. Once you are happy with the phases, use the Manage Questions button in the Actions menu to return to the form’s questions.
As per the other form builders within StaffSavvy, the add question section is first. Within here you can choose the phase to assign questions to, enter the question title and choose the answer format.
Below the new question box are all of the existing questions.
As per the example, you can mix and match the order of the questions with the phases. So, in order, I have three different phases together at the top. This is purely for displaying the form. When the answers are completed, all Phase 1 is completed first, with any subsequent phases hidden until they are ready to be completed.
So in the example above, the form is getting staff member feedback first. Then it will ask a manager to comment on that feedback. The manager feedback will be displayed just below the staff member’s comments.
Question Types & Publishing
You have the usual answer formats available such as text and multiple choice. You also have ratings (e.g. 0 to 10) and signatures (when the person completing the form can sign their part of it).
As per other form builders, this form is version controlled so changes to the questions require a new version. Once you have completed your initial version, you must publish it to be able to use it.
Go to the forms overview page where you can see a list of all forms to publish this version.
Assigning forms to be completed
You can manually assign forms to be completed under each staff member’s profile. Choose Documents > Assign Performance & Welfare form.
This will notify them to complete it and display the notification on their dashboard.
You can also assign forms using triggers; so forms can be assigned after X days or X shifts.
We’ll be adding further scheduling options for these forms along with check-in forms in a future release.
Completing the forms
Staff will be displayed a link at the top of their dashboard to complete their portions of the form. For managers, it will be displayed within the notification area.
When completing the form, the system will display the questions from the current phase alongside the answers from any previous phases.
The phases and status is shown in the top right of the page,
Viewing the forms
You can access all of a staff member’s forms via their profile page. Either in the Personal Records section or under their Documents page.
Forms can be downloaded as a PDF too. The system will format up the details of the form at the top of the page along with all of the answers.
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