Positions are the job openings that applicants are applying to. They contain all of the public information about the roles plus details on what should happen to successful applicants for that position.
Note: We strongly recommend making a new position each time the role is advertised. Reusing a position will retain all of the previous applicants. You can duplicate the position to create a new position and separate the previous applicants from the new.
General settings
The basic information on a position includes details such as the number of available positions, opening and closing dates and a reference code if you wish to show that to applicants.
You can also decide whether a position will be accessible from the portal or hidden and requires a link to access it.
This page also allows you to set the shortlisting method for reviewing and ranking all of your applicants. See the Shortlisting section for more details.
You can edit this information at any time, but be aware that applicants will not be informed of any changes.
Position details page
This details page is where you can inform all potential applicants about the position, what they should expect when working with you and any information they should know about the application process.
You can provide any amount of text and images to create your page. On larger screens, the page is formatted into two columns: one wide column followed by a narrower column. The main column is designed for the bulk of your content, whereas the side column is perfect for more information, file downloads, and more.
You can create complete bespoke content for the entire page, or you can use template blocks to insert pre-written text and images into your page.
Template blocks
Template blocks are re-useable blocks of text and images that you can include in the details pages of any of your positions.
They allow you to write the content once and then reuse it in multiple places. Updating the template block will update the content for all of the places where it’s used.
This is perfect for information about policies or the application process, so you don’t need to rewrite this every time.
Template blocks are also where you can add documents for download.
You can add and edit blocks under Recruitment > Settings > Template Blocks.
To add a block to your page, use the Template Blocks icon in the editor menu and choose which block you want to include. This will insert a code into your page, such as ##block-example##
Do not edit this content, or the block will not be displayed. You can remove the block by deleting the whole text, including the four hashtags (#).
Successful Applicants
This tab allows you to configure what should happen to successful applicants. You can select the level of access they will have within the system, the roles/skills they should be assigned to, and any training programs they should be assigned to from the start. It will also allow you to assign new positions to a specific squad, allowing managers to organise team structures as early as the recruitment process.
Additionally, there is a new option that allows you to automatically assign staff to a specific job immediately. A job is a position within your company's structural hierarchy and will establish where the successful candidate will be placed once they have been onboarded.
When the successful applicant receives their offer of employment, they will automatically be assigned, making the onboarding process more efficient and the structural hierarchy more explicit.
Additional options to consider include whether or not hiring managers can change what the job will be up until the point of an offer. If you decide to allow hiring managers to change jobs, they will only need to confirm the job when offering the position to a candidate.
When an applicant is offered and accepts the position, StaffSavvy will create a staff account within your main site. It will copy over all fixed answers (name, email address, phone, DOB, etc.) plus any documents they have uploaded.
The staff member will then be emailed with a welcome link and temporary password which will launch them into your main StaffSavvy site.
They will then start your normal required step list and any requirements set for their required roles. No further authorisation is needed for the account.
Delay access to the account until the start date
Alternatively, you also have the option to delay access to an account for a staff member until their start date.
If you do not wish for the new staff member to have immediate access to the system, when offering a position under the recruitment portal, you will see the option not automatically to grant access to their account as an option when you select the 'offer position' button.
There are varying options on how much access applicants might receive, including giving immediate access as soon as the offer is sent or giving hires access to the account only on their start date. Other options are not giving hires automatic access to their account but allowing new hires to be given access later by their manager.
This option will create the staff account as normal, but they will not be granted access to their account until their start date. The system will automatically send them a welcome email on their continuous employment start date.
All options include:
- Create a new account and give instant access or update their existing StaffSavvy account
- Create a new account and provide access on their start date
- create a new account but do not provide access automatically
- Automatically accept offer and create account, but do not send invite automatically
- Do not create or update StaffSavvy account
Archive Positions
You can archive completed/filled positions from the Position list page. Find the option under the More button. This will keep your position list small and relevant.
You can access the Archived Positions from the Actions menu. From this list, you are able to reinstate the positions or duplicate them for further use.
Export Applications
The option to export the applications is under each position on the main position management page.
This will create an Excel formatted file with all the applications and answers to all questions (blinded and hidden included).
It is designed to be used only for data analysis and not for any shortlisting purposes. Please ensure that any data you export is correctly protected and is only stored in line with your data privacy statement.
The exported file will include the current status of the application and a column showing how far through the process the applicants have reached. Their final status might be rejected, but their progression might have reached the interview requested.
If you have made changes to the application form during the application period, then you might have applicants answering different versions of the form. The export option will export these applications into different files so that questions and answers accurately match those at the time of application.
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