This is the normally dreaded process of reviewing all applications and creating a shorter list of applicants you would like to meet within an interview.
The tools here have been created to help minimise the administration and organisation required to successfully and fairly shortlist your applicants.
Creating Shortlisters
The shortlisters are critical to your application process. These are the staff members who will review the blinded application forms and provide feedback and make decisions.
The way these shortlisters will shortlist the application forms is set within the position details.
When adding a short lister to a position, you can choose their role within the process. This includes options to let them be advisors only or actual decision-makers.
Shortlisting Options
The method of shortlisting is set within the position details. Depending on how you wish to shortlist the applications, there are various options.
This is the most basic option. It allows each application to be marked with a draft decision before the final decision is made.
Only one draft decision is allowed per application but this can be changed as many times as needed. No decision is communicated until the final decision is set.
Coming soon.
This method allows each of the shortlisters to vote an application up or down. This will then allow the applications to be listed in order of the most votes. It will also display how many positive and negative votes each application received.
This method allows the shortlisters to provide a score for each answer within each blinded application.
The score is from 0 to 5 on each answer.
Once the whole application is scored, the shortlisted can submit (or “lock”) their scores. When all scores for an application are received an locked then an average score is displayed.
Applications can then be ordered with the highest score at the top and this allowing you to make decisions based on feedback from all shortlisters.
Block Staff Applying for in-House Positions from Viewing Applications
Under Recruitment: you can now use the Shortlister Manager page to block a staff member who would normally have access to the recruitment area from seeing a position.
This allows them to apply for a position but does not give them access to any of the notes, comments, or progress of applicants in that position.
To use: Manage the Short listers for the position and restrict access with the option ‘Access Blocked (Overrides Admin Access)’.
Make Changes to Live Application Forms
One new feature is the ability to edit the details of a live application form. You can now edit the blinding/hidden options, page breaks, and scoring options and remove questions at any point in the application process.
To use this, go to Recruitment > Forms > Application Forms. You will see a list of forms that should be drafts or live forms. If a form is a draft and not live, you can edit every question and detail, but it must be live to be assigned to a position.
To edit a live form, first make sure that it is live. You can tell if a form is live because if it is not live, it should have a ‘Publish Draft’ button next to it. If the form is active, you should also see the option to ‘Edit Live Form’.
Once you have made your changes and saved the application form, it will immediately be updated.
As always, please get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions. Email us at
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