By default, you will be managing a single venue/outlet. All of the rota creation and shift management screens can be used when managing a single location or a group of venues.
The groups are called Venue Groups and you can setup as many ops groups as you need and each group can have as many venues in it as needed. See Venue Groups for more information.
To choose which venue or ops group of venues you are editing choose venue groups under the venue selector in the top right.
The popup has two tabs, Venues and Venue Groups. Your currently selected view be in green and you can just click on an option to change views.
Additionally, copying Venue Configuration to a Venue Group now includes ratios and quick shift templates. To use go to Manage Venues. Under the more button for each venue choose Copy configuration and the new options will be in the popup.
Manipulation Rules
Manipulation rules: venue and venue group filters now available. You can specify whether a rule which applies to shifts will be applied across all Venues or more specifically to only Venue Groups or Specific Venues. This allows you to be more careful.
Bulk Assign Venues
You can now select a venue group to bulk assign all the venues within it to a staff member. To use go to their profile, Edit Assignments and then Edit Venues. At the top of the list of venues, you can hover over Venue Groups and select a venue group to have those venues selected. Then click save.
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