Once a shift has been created, you can check for changes or make updates. You can find this by going to your Dashboard and clicking Shifts > Manage Shifts.
The Shift Management page shows:
- The date of the shifts that have been created
- How many shifts (how many staff members are working) on that day
- If the shift is locked and cannot be edited
- If the shift is hidden and cannot be seen by all staff
- If there are extra, unassigned or offered shifts that are unfilled.
- If any cover has been requested
- Budget targets
- Budget percentage (either staff cost percentage or percentage of budget depending on the venue settings)
You are also able to jump to a specific date. Simply use the 'choose a date' option at the top of the grid view to change to any date and manage shifts there.
From this page, you can adjust the shift details by clicking the “Grid” or “Timeline” buttons and print or cancel the entire shift. You can also see all relevant cover requests on a given day using the' More' button.
The print button will produce an easy-to-view list of staff and times. To print a copy of the timeline view, visit the timeline for the shift and use the Action button to print.
To see previous shifts, go to the left of the Actions menu and select “Choose a previous shift”. This will now display all of the previous shifts. To change back to the upcoming, click the ‘Actions” button again and click “Choose an upcoming shift”.
The previous shifts page will include sales information and total hours per day.
You can see a summary of the day when enabled. To summarise the day's events, automatically enable this when editing a venue under the Venue settings Shift configuration. This allows the day’s events to be automatically summarised on the Shift Management page. It’s useful when you are manually adding events.
Integrations with ArtifaxEvent, YesPlan and Momentus Elite will do this for you automatically.
Managing Single or Multiple Venues
By default, you will be managing a single venue/outlet. All of the schedule creation and shift management screens can be used when managing a single location or a group of venues.
The groups are called Venue Groups, and you can set up as many ops groups as you need, and each group can have as many venues as needed. See Venue Groups for more information.
To choose which venue or ops group of venues you are editing, choose venue groups under the venue selector at the top right.
The popup has two tabs, Venues and Venue Groups. Your 'selected' view is green; you can click another option to change views.
While you can see all venues in a Venue Group, you will still have a venue selected, which will be shown in a lighter blue colour.
Your selection will be remembered between pages and when you next log in, so you only need to change this if you want to manage a different combination of venues.
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